TransCanada Corporation

Keystone pipeline spill

Keystone oil spill casts doubt on the safety of proposed Keystone XL pipeline


Opponents of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline say it threatens waterways and wildlife habitats along its route. Last month’s spill from the original Keystone pipeline just helped them make their case.

Keystone XL protesters

Judge halts Keystone XL pipeline, citing ‘complete disregard’ for climate

Climate Change
Keystone Pipeline

The Keystone XL pipeline gets a victory, but with a question mark

Energy East

Canada takes another run at finding a pipeline for its tar sands oil

The Keystone Oil Pipeline is pictured under construction in North Dakota.

Pipeline Troubles

Global Politics
The World

US may approve more ‘dirty’ Canadian oil

Global Politics

Native American tribes visited the State Department today to discuss a proposed oil pipeline. Environmentalists oppose the pipeline because it would carry ‘dirty’ oil from Alberta’s tar sands. The World’s Jeb Sharp reports.