
In this Oct. 31, 2019, file photo, attendees walk past a display for 5G services from Chinese technology firm Huawei at the PT Expo in Beijing.

China’s new Silk Road runs through cyberspace, worrying rivals and privacy advocates

On China's New Silk Road

China is fast becoming a global leader in cutting-edge technologies — such as artificial intelligence, facial recognition, surveillance and 5G. But critics say China’s technology enables authoritarian control and increases dependence on an autocratic state.

A man is shown looking down at this phone and wearing a face mask with a Huawei store in the background.

Britain bans Huawei from 5G network; US rejects China’s claims in most of the South China Sea; Judge to hear university case over ICE decision

Top of The World
Two people are shown standing outside of a Huawei store with a 5G symbol on the glass exterior.

UK to exclude Huawei from role in high-speed phone network

morse code

Simply elegant, Morse code marks 175 years and counting

Several people in shadow are shown walking by a red illuminated sign for Huawei.

US blacklists China’s Huawei as trade dispute clouds global outlook


How mobile phones get hacked


Tactics hackers use to access voicemail systems of mobile phones.