Technological change

Farmers in Pennsylvania taking proceeds from fracking and investing in solar


Farmers around Pennsylvania, and indeed around the country are increasingly taking the money they make opening their land up to fracking and investing in renewable energy. Specifically, a number of farmers have chosen to plow their windfall into solar panels.

Energy challenges for post-nuclear Germany


Google renewable energy search


Energy decisions


Israel Threatens Renewable Energy in West Bank

The World

Fighting a Renewable Army

The Defense Department wants to run the military with more renewable power and less petroleum, but some members of Congress say the $1 billion price tag is too high.

The World

Green Cars II: A Higher Octane

Two Florida entrepreneurs spread the gospel of renewable energy as they travel across the country in their 1986 Winnebago, which runs on the used vegetable oil they collect from fast-food restaurants.

Energy Deregulation in California

Across the United States, states are slowly deregulating their energy markets. Already, some consumers are able to choose an electricity generator the same way they choose a long distance telephone company. California is one of the first states to try this. Host Steve Curwood talks to Kirk Brown, who tracks the energy business for the […]

The World

Renewable Energy Challenged

Alternative energy sources like solar, wind and biomass have never had an easy time in the marketplace. Deregulation could mean these technologies will have be even harder to sell. Reese Erlich reports from Sacramento.

The World

Note on Emerging Science/Solar Storage

A cheaper way to store solar energy uses the sun and a bucket of water.