Tea party

The crowd cheers during a Tea Party rally to "Audit the IRS" in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington June 19, 2013

From Congress, a Christmas gift to conservatives


Tea Party groups have won a major victory, strengthening provisions established by the Citizens United case.

The dove, a symbol of peace, flies over a mosque in Afghanistan.

Why I find optimism amid grim news

U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (R) joins Co-chairman and chief executive officer of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Sam Nunn at the National Defense University in Washington, on December 3, 2012.

Former GOP senator says now is no time for the US to create global instability

The World

Tea party still looking for unified voice

Conflict & Justice
The World

Tea Party convention kicks off

Global Politics
The World

Ron Paul on the Tea Party convention

Global Politics

Right now the center of attention for politically frustrated conservatives is Nashville, Tenn., as the Tea Party Convention rolls on to day two. We ask the Texas Congressman what he thinks of the Tea Parties, and what future he sees for them.

The World

Europeans and the American tea party

Global Politics

Some conservative circles in Europe are looking to the American Tea Party movement for inspiration and with some envy. But the European right and the American right don’t always see eye to eye. The World’s Gerry Hadden reports.