Tax avoidance

Taxing corporations’ foreign profits

President Obama wants to change the tax rate for American multinationals, who he says don’t pay their fair share for overseas profits.

Bartering in a sour economy

Apple Scrutinized on Tax Avoidance

Global Politics
The World

Technology to Barter in Hard Times

Global Politics

Real Madrid Plans Billion Dollar Resort in the Middle East

The World

Small businesses bartering in tough times

The White House is taking steps to help small businesses secure loans, but while they wait, those businesses are finding creative ways to stay afloat, including bartering with each other instead of exchanging money.

The World

Bartering is back in style in a tough global economy

In the tough global economy, trade is returning to its roots. Yes, bartering is back.

The World

Geo Quiz / Geo Answer

The “Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development” or OECD released a “blacklist” of global tax havens at yesterday’s G20 summit in London. The Philippines, Uruguay, and Costa Rica were listed as three of the four worst offenders. For today’s Geo Quiz, we’re looking for the fourth. The answer is the Malaysian federal territory of Labuan.