Survival skills

VIDEO: As cruise ship search stops, U.S. officials say such a situation here is unlikely

The Costa Concordia ran aground over the weekend, killing 11 and leaving about two dozen still missing with hope quickly fading that they’ll be found alive. Meanwhile, U.S. officials are seeking to reassure domestic cruise passengers.

Norwegian inventor’s cardboard oven combats climate change

How cooking helped humans evolve

The World


The World

Comfy Camping

The World

Comfy Camping

Americans are so pinched for time and so stressed, camping is suddenly too much work. Maybe we’re just getting lazier. Robin White reports on the blurring line between camping and the spa vacation.

The World

Department B/Animal Note

Living on Earth’s Maggie Villiger reports on a novel survival technique for a caterpillar — producing its own insecticide.

Consumer Note

Living on Earth’s Jennifer Chu reports on a U-V protection label that will soon appear on sun-protective clothing in Europe.