Summer Olympics

The Belgian men's team wears blue shirts during a tug of war competition.

Sports of Olympic past: Where are they now?

Tokyo Olympics

Securing a spot at the Olympics isn’t a lifelong promise. The International Olympic Committee has cut sports like plunge-for-distance, tug of war and rope climbing out of the Games, but competitions have continued outside the Olympic ring.

In high contrast color, the Olympic rings are shown floating in a large body of water with shipping container cranes in the distance.

PHOTOS: Olympic guests get view of Tokyo — from the bus

Tokyo Olympics

Visitors are finding a World Cup home in Brazil’s notorious favelas

The World

With opportunity scarce, Brazil’s youth are demanding more than the World Cup

Global Politics
The World

2012 Olympics mascots revealed to mixed reviews

Arts, Culture & Media

How one man’s Olympic design influenced your next trip to the public restroom

Arts, Culture & Media

German designer Otl Aicher created the pictograms for the 1972 Summer Olympic Games in Munich. His design has influenced not only future Olympic pictograms but many signs we see on a daily basis.

Brazil ratcheting up security as preparations for World Cup, Olympics continue

Brazil’s been hit with protests recently, and police are prepared for that. But when the World Cup and Olympics come to town, the problem won’t be street protests, but rather the possibility of terrorism. Brazilian security forces are gearing up, so they’re ready.

According to history, world politics always on display during Olympics

Global Politics

A total of 38 world records were broken and 962 medals handed out at the London Olympics this year. The Games start and ended without a hitch, despite early concerns about security. But author and historian Kenneth Davis says that while the Games avoided any sort of incident, the tensions of international politics were still visible.

Rio de Janeiro ‘pacifies’ criminals in advance of 2014 World Cup, 2016 Olympics

Rio de Janeiro will soon have its moment in the sun. As Brazil’s second largest city, it will host both the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics. But before the city can host the world’s two largest sporting events, it must first deal with its notorious crime scene.

London to shrink Olympic Stadium after games conclude

Global Politics

In the history of Olympic Stadiums there have been booms and busts. Atlanta’s Olympic Stadium became the home of the Atlanta Braves, but the Montreal Olympic stadium is widely regarded as a white elephant. London’s hoping to be more like Atlanta, and they’re reducing the size of the stadium by one-fourth to help that.