Stephen Harper

VIDEO: With Keystone pipeline project halted, China looks to Canada


As Canada looks to develop markets for its oil after the defeat of the Keystone XL pipeline in the United States, Primer Minister Stephen Harper says the country needs to develop tighter ties with China — one of the world’s fastest growing economies.

Canadian Government Gag Order for Scientists?

Canadian Aboriginal Groups Oppose Pipeline


Hey Rosetta! taps into Canadian ethos

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

President Obama visits our neighbor in the north

Global Politics
The World

Canadian prime minister apologizes to aboriginal students who endured abuse

Conflict & Justice

Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper will publicly apologize today: for over 100 years the government set up boarding schools where indigenous children were abused. It s seen as a tremendous gesture by the government. The reaction to public apologies can range from standing ovations to outcry for more. The Takeaway checks in on some apologies […]

The World

Canada’s elections

Global Politics

In the U.S., the election season seems to last forever. But in Canada it’s a more like blink-and-you-missed-it. The World’s Andrea Crossan reports.

The World

Canada’s days numbered in Afghanistan

Conflict & Justice

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper sent a blunt message to Afghanistan today. He said that Canada would not renew its military mission there past 2011. Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with John Ivison with Canada’s National Post newspaper.