Sports equipment

Boy jumps into public pool in Auxerre.

No Speedo? Then don’t try to go swimming in France — seriously


Public pool rules in France say your swimsuit can’t be something you could be found wearing outside the pool. That means no trunks, Bermuda shorts, T-shirts or anything that is not strictly meant for swimming. But bust out all the Speedos you want.

New soccer ball can generate electricity

A British spy, a Speedo and Facebook

The World

Irish Woman Surfs in Iran Wearing Hijab Wetsuit

The World

Wave Glider

The World

Wave Glider

A new robotic vehicle hits the waves to gather data that could unlock some important secrets of the ocean.

The World

Wave Glider

A new robotic vehicle hits the waves to gather data that could unlock some important secrets of the ocean.

Reebok Owns up to Workplace Safety Violations

A recent audit of two Reebok manufacturing plants in Indonesia uncovered hazardous conditions for workers, and Reebok itself took the initiative to release the report. Steve Curwood speaks with Sharon Cohen, Reebok’s V.P. of Public Affairs, about the company’s new code of conduct which prompted the report.

The World

Toboggan Delight

For turning the chills of winter into the thrills of sliding, some folks head to their local toboggan hill where the action is. And that’s where producer Bob Carty went, to a little run near his home in Ottawa, Canada. There he found that while the means of going from top to bottom have changed, […]

The World

Tobaggan Delight

For turning the chills of winter into the thrills of sliding, some folks head to their local toboggan hill where the action is. And that’s where producer Bob Carty went, to a little run near his home in Ottawa, Canada. There he found that while the means of going from top to bottom have changed, […]