
a button with the word "OK"

Curious Kids: Why do we say ‘OK’?


What’s the history behind one of today’s most commonly used words?

Straight outta ESL class: learning English by learning slang

Arts, Culture & Media

New Yorker contributor Adam Gopnik reflects on Colorado shooting

Global Politics

Why Slang Is Good For You

Polari: A Gay Slang that Flourished out of Prejudice

Arts, Culture & Media

The Virtues of Public Transportation, From a Proud Straphanger

The United States has long been a car culture. They are status symbols as much as they are a means of transport; highways divide and unite the country, from the smallest towns to the grandest cities, and our popular culture is loaded with references to them. But with fewer young people buying cars than ever, […]

No More ‘No Homo’?: Rap’s Evolving Attitudes Toward Homosexuality

Coming up, The Takeaway speaks to author Terrance Dean about the shifting attitude towards gays in Hip Hop.

The World

Alabama’s Eco-Rebels

They call themselves “rednecks,” but these three crusaders use sophisticated tactics to successfully battle polluters in the deep South. The group, called WildLaw, is racking up an impressive record, winning law suits and protecting bio-diversity in what they describe as a “good old boy” style. Samuel Hendren reports.

The World

Texting While Dating!

Arts, Culture & Media

Taking a phone call during a date is one thing. But is it okay to write a text message? What about emailing, or tweeting? Kate Dailey, writer of Newsweek’s Human Condition Blog, and her friend Steve Calachman join The Takeaway to voice their opinions.