sex work

red light district

This Israeli Facebook group is a lifeline for women caught in a cycle of prostitution

Women & Gender

The volunteers who came to Dorit’s aid are part of an Israeli, Hebrew-language Facebook group made up of women currently or formerly in prostitution and other people who want to help.

A street is shown filled with many women with arms raised rallying against prostitution.

Prostitution takes center stage as Spanish feminists rally to eliminate violence against women

Nuria at My Red Light, a social project in the form of a brothel in Amsterdam. Nuria plans to retire from sex work later this year and work full-time in an administrative role at My Red Light.

A Dutch brothel where women work for themselves

Women & Gender
Paid For:  My Journey Through Prostitution is Rachel Moran's new memoir.

After seven years in the Dublin sex trade, Rachel Moran says prostitution is always abuse

Noel Gomez

A conversation with Noel Gomez, sex trafficking survivor-turned-advocate

"Mint", 24, is a former sex worker, now working at NightLight, an organization that hires former prostitutes.

Groups ‘rescue’ Thai sex workers, whether they want it or not

Conflict & Justice

Under pressure by the US government and American evangelicals, the Thai government has stepped up raids to rescue sex trafficking victims. The trouble is, many of the “rescued” sex workers may not have been trafficked in the first place.