Risk factors for breast cancer

Frozen blood samples

Pre-natal exposure to DDT linked to increased likelihood of breast cancer


Though the pesticide DDT was banned in the US in 1972, its effects in the human body may live on. New research has found the strongest link yet between exposure to DDT in the womb and the likelihood of breast cancer later in life.

Toxic Bodies

Cancer-Causing Chemicals

New Studies Link Asthma, Prostate Cancer to Toxic Chemicals

Health Note

The World

A lack of scientific consensus over BPA

Health & Medicine

Concerns about the effects of the chemical bisphenol-A have grown in recent years, but the scientific community has not come to a clear consensus on how BPA affects human beings. Denise Grady, reporter for the New York Times, explains.

The World

Health screening recommendations causing anger, confusion among women

Health & Medicine

Dr. Andrea Price, an OBGYN, says some of her patients are confused and dismayed by these new recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. We hear what she recommends.