Poughkeepsie–Newburgh–Middletown metropolitan area

New Movie Releases: ‘Playing for Keeps,’ ‘Hyde Park on Hudson,’ ‘The Fitzgerald Family Christmas’

Every Friday The Takeaway’s  Movie Date  team,  Rafer Guzman  and  Kristen Meinzer, share their thoughts on the major film releases of the week. The holiday season always includes a number of big films, and this year is no exception. Kristen and Rafer review the star-packed romantic comedy “Playing for Keeps,” the Bill Murray-led FDR biopic “Hyde Park on Hudson,” and […]

Scandals, State Dinners and the Real Story Behind ‘Hyde Park on Hudson’

The World

Update on the New York City Terror Threat

Lifestyle & Belief
The World

Continuing Coverage of the New York City Bomb Plot

Lifestyle & Belief