Politics of Wisconsin

Republicans survive recall elections in Wisconsin

Global Politics

Four out of six Republicans won in Wisconsin’s recall elections last night, allowing the GOP to retain control of the State Senate.

Recall Decided: Walker Retains His Seat

Top of the Hour: Wisconsin Recall Effort, Morning Headlines

Republicans Survive Recall Elections in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Recall Elections Under Way

Wisconsin Senate Strips Public Employees of Collective Bargaining Rights

Conflict & Justice

In a surprise legislative maneuver, 18 Republican members of Wisconsin’s Senate pushed through adoption of a bill last night that would sharply reduce public employees’ collective bargaining rights. What’s next in the three week saga?

Governor Walker’s Game of Chicken

Wisconsin’s Governor Scott Walker has officially threatened to lay off some 1500 state employees if he can’t get Democratic state senators to return and allow a vote on the Governor’s much-disputed state budget proposal. Beyond the implications for those who might be put on notice as early as April 4th, the move is just the […]

Social Studies Lessons from the Wisconsin Budget Battle

The battle between Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and public unions continues. Tuessday, Governor Walker introduced his two-year budget proposal, which includes nearly $900 million in public school cuts. Walker unveiled his budget just weeks after he announced his controversial proposal to strip the state’s public unions of collective bargaining rights. Wisconsin teachers are at the […]

Democrats in Hiding: Wisconsin and the Union Battle

Conflict & Justice

Joining us is Democratic State Senator Bob Jauch from Wisconsin District 25, one of the senators who left the state Capitol. He calls the bill an unprecedented attack against workers and says he wants to give them time to voice their concerns.