Phosphorus is a vital element for producing food and now its price is rising causing concern about both supply and pollution.
Freezing the Arsenic in Giant Mine
Emerging Science Note/Nanorust
Emerging Science Note/Nanorust
Rice and… Arsenic?
A new study finds elevated levels of arsenic, a carcinogen, in rice grown in the southern U.S.
Don’t Drink the Water
You don’t have to go to a foreign country to find places where the water is undrinkable. Tamara Keith reports from a town in Central California where water is not only dirty and intermittent, but where the arsenic levels are a health threat.
Since 2004, the water provided to more than 49 million Americans has contained illegal concentrations of chemicals and dangerous bacteria. Reporter Charles Duhigg tells us what to worry about and why violations weren’t caught sooner.