
A still from “Finding Nemo.”

Aha Moment: How ‘Finding Nemo’ changed my life

Aha Moments

A kindergarten teacher with a comfortable job watched “Finding Nemo” on a whim. She didn’t realize how it would change her life.

Design for the Real World: The Incredibles

Arts, Culture & Media

Remembering Joe Ranft

Arts, Culture & Media

Five Things You Had to See Online This Week

Arts, Culture & Media

How “Finding Nemo” Changed My Life

Arts, Culture & Media

Five Things You Had to See Online This Week

Arts, Culture & Media

Taylor Swift eats Apple for lunch, a high school dance-off saves America, and Pixar gives everyone (and everything) the feels.

Randy Newman

Arts, Culture & Media

Randy Newman performs a few numbers from his new record — “Harps and Angels,” and mixes in some politics too.

Movie Date: “Monsters University”, “World War Z”, and “Before Midnight”

Our movie date team, Kristen Meinzer and Rafer Guzman,  review three new movies this week: John Goodman and Billy Crystal reprise their roles as Sulley and Mike in the computer animated film “Monsters University”–the prequel to Disney/Pixar’s “Monsters, Inc.” which was originally released in 2001. Meanwhile, Brad Pitt stars in the highly anticipated “World War Z”, […]

The World

Aha Moment: Finding Nemo

Lifestyle & Belief

Kiki Kienstra had a good job teaching kindergarten, a nice apartment, and a community of friends. ‘I didn’t have a big need for change,’ she remembers. ‘You know, everything was fine, so why rock the boat?’

The World

Indies Blow Up Filmmaking with CGI

Arts, Culture & Media

As technology drops in price, computer-generated imagery (CGI) is trickling down, and low-budget films now have an opportunity to compete with Hollywood on its own turf.