Personal life


Meet the women who escorted Jane Doe to her abortion


A small clinic in McAllen, Texas, is the only abortion provider for hundreds of miles. Earlier this week when Jane Doe, an undocumented teenager held in detention, was allowed to have an abortion, this is where she came.

An employee prepares organic unpasteurized butter

A global croissant craze is part of the reason why butter is in short supply in France

Female Indonesian police officers stand guard outside the presidential palace during a protest against the recent fuel price hike in Jakarta on November 19th, 2014.

Indonesia has subjected policewomen to ‘humiliating’ virginity tests for decades


In Boston, Signs of the Homeless Get Colorful Makeovers

In Britain, Growth of Urban Beekeeping May Be Hurting Bees


New research seeks to determine what dreams mean


Researchers at Brown University are putting people to sleep — in the name of research. They’re trying to determine what people dream, and what it means, by subjecting people to MRI scans as they dream, and then waking them up and asking what they were dreaming about.

Author finds Americans eating healthier — despite higher food prices

A new book looks at America’s packaged and industrial food world and just what makes processed food so tempting to us. But, according to the book’s author, even despite the accessibility of processed foods, more Americans today are changing their eating habits to be healthier.

Charlotte restaurant serves up free meals, jobs, fellowship for homeless

One of Charlotte’s trendy restaurants is not exactly what it seems. The not-for-profit devotes all the money it makes, after expenses, to feeding, hiring and supporting the homeless and the poor. Owner Jim Noble views it as his mission to feed these people’s stomachs, and their souls.

In hiring Marissa Mayer as new CEO, is Yahoo putting her on a ‘glass cliff’

Often, struggling companies look for team-builders, collaborators, people who will put their ego aside to move people toward a common goal. According to British academics, that means they are more likely to hire a woman. Is that what Marissa Mayer is walking into?

Homelessness a growing problem in Greece

In Greece, the economic downturn and debt crisis has forced an increasingly large number of people out on the street. The government shelters can’t do enough, so it’s left up to private groups. And they’re struggling to meet the burden.