Personal computing

crosswalk in honolulu

Honolulu first major US city to fine ‘phone zombies’


Honolulu just enacted a fine for looking at one’s cell phone while in a crosswalk.

Bringing technology to the developing world

North Korean Tablet Pre-Loaded with Angry Birds

Podcast: The Way-C Tablet Designed in Africa

100,000 Tablets for School Children in New Delhi

Global Politics
The World

Will the iPad save the news?

Arts, Culture & Media

The experience of holding a tablet or eReader is so different from using a computer that it’s changing our attitudes toward paying for digital media.

The World

Take Two Tablets; Call Me on September 9th

The public is anticipating the invention of the Apple Tablet, an all-in-one multimedia device. To find out why the tablet has techies revved up, The Takeaway speaks to Sam Grobart of The New York Times and Queena Kim of KPCC Public Radio in Los Angeles.

The World

Tiny Giants: Netbooks and Personal Computing

Somewhere between a smartphone and a laptop is a nifty gadget called a netbook. Joining The Takeaway to talk about why the netbook is so popular and where it fits in among all the other gadgets is Matt Buchanan, contributing editor for

The World

Bringing technology to developing world


Cyrus Farivar reports for The World on a San Francisco start-up that’s taking an innovative approach to bringing computers and Internet access to the developing world.