
New peanut allergy tests points to great over-diagnosis in kids

Health & Medicine

As many as 12 percent of kids test positive for allergies to some of the most common food allergens, like peanuts. But a new, more accurate test reveals that many of those allergies are actually to a pollen, and not the dangerous food allergy that parents fear.

The Band Really Was on the Run: McCartney in Lagos

Global Hit

India Battles Malnutrition with Local Product

Global Politics

Mushroom Packaging

The Living on Earth Almanac

The World

Nutraceuticals: Sardines in orange juice, and other foods mixed for… health?

Food manufacturers are increasing the healthful properties of products by adding ‘nutraceuticals,’ foods (or part of a food) that provides medical or health benefits. Is it really healthier, or is it just another marketing strategy?

The World

Your food may be organic, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe

Arts, Culture & Media

Conventional wisdom has always said you can assure your food is safe by buying organic. But New York Times reporter Kim Severson did some digging and she found that organic certification has nothing to do with food safety.

The World

How to make our food safety system stronger

Global Politics

Salmonella-tainted peanut butter has sickened close to five hundred people in 43 states, and killed six. Bill Marler, a Seattle lawyer, explains why it takes so long to trace foodbourne illnesses and how the system could be improved.