Oxidizing agents

Investigation uncovers little regulation of fertilizer plants


When an explosion at a fertilizer plant badly damaged much of the town of West, Texas, many asked if that could happen in their town. When the journalists at the Dallas Morning News tried to find out, they discovered it’s a very difficult question to answer.

The Living on Earth Almanac

The World

Swimming in Bleach

The World

Chlorine Causes Controversy

The World

Space Shuttle – Blasting Away at Ozone

The World

Panel Says Perchlorate Safe at Levels Higher Than EPA Recommendations

Part One: The National Academy of Sciences says perchlorate, a rocket fuel ingredient found in drinking water, is less hazardous than government regulators had earlier warned. But one environmental group says the defense industry pressured the Academy to water down its results. Living on Earth’s Jeff Young reports from Washington.Part Two: Host Steve Curwood talks […]

Leafy Toxins

There’s been growing evidence that perchlorate, a main component of rocket fuel, may be concentrating in drinking water and lettuce. Meanwhile, the Bush administration has issued a gag order to keep EPA scientists from talking about their perchlorate research. Host Steve Curwood talks with Wall Street Journal reporter Peter Waldman, who has been following the […]

The World

Tainted H2O

Perchlorate, a compound used in rocket fuel, is turning up in many states’ drinking water. Ilsa Setziol of member station KPCC reports perchlorate is found at rocket or missile production sites, and it’s linked to thyroid disease.