
The World

Sustainable Shrimp Farming

The United States imports over a billion pounds of shrimp annually. Most of it travels thousands of miles from tropical farms, which have often degraded mangroves and other sensitive areas of coastlines. Now some U.S. shrimp farmers are raising shrimp indoors, using environmentally friendly techniques, and they’re producing a fresh, delicious product with a much gentler carbon footprint.

Live Chat: Should The U.S. Intervene in Syria?

George Takei Backs Petition to Move Sochi Olympics

Conflict & Justice

The Postal Service Used to Make Multiple Deliveries Per Day

Historic Day for Beer in Russia

Nation Mourns After Elementary School Shooting

BBC: Twenty children, six adults and the gunman die in a shooting attack at a school for young children in Connecticut.

The World

Science Note: Mantis Shrimp

The peacock mantis shrimp is living proof that size doesn’t matter. Researchers are inspired by this small shrimp’s incredibly strong arm to design safer and lighter military gear.

Inside the Newsroom: Wednesday, September 5

A behind-the-scenes look at The World’s newsroom on a rainy Wednesday in Boston.

The World

Grammy Goes A-Gatherin’

It’s dandelion season and that means Grammy is on the prowl. The ninety-seven year old relishes picking the lawn-choking weed and cooking them for her family.

Top of the Hour: Police Investigate Virginia Tech Shooting, Morning Headlines

In an apparent murder-suicide, a man on the campus of Virginia Tech killed a police officer in a parking lot on Thursday before turning the gun on himself. The shooting came on the same day Virginia Tech officials were in Washington, fighting a fine over their handling of a shooting massacre on the campus in […]