Olive oil

Oil closeup

Having trouble choosing the right cooking oil? So is everyone else.


Ever wondered which cooking oil is healthiest? There’s canola oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil — even hazelnut, avocado and apricot kernel oil. Each oil has a unique composition of fats and is manufactured in different ways. Some cooking enthusiasts will say that the healthiest oil is the one with the most omega-3s. Others warn against too much chemical processing and opt for “virgin” oils. What’s a person to do?

Olive harvest underway

Tunisia looks to tap into its history and push its olive oil front and center


Italy’s extra virgin olive oil isn’t always so virgin, or so Italian

A young boy lights Hanukkah lights in Jerusalem's Nachlaot neighborhood.

Hanukkah is a block party in Jerusalem — with olive-oil menorahs lighting up the streets

Lifestyle & Belief

Spaniards outraged by new, strict EU regulations on olive oil

Global Politics

Europe’s New Olive Oil Law Seen by Many as Meddling

Global Politics

The European Union has passed a law banning unlabeled olive oil flasks and dipping bowls, the kind traditionally seen in restaurants in Spain. Instead, restaurants must offer sealed, clearly labelled throw-away oil containers.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Nanorust

Tiny magnetic particles of rust may clean dirty drinking water in developing countries.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Nanorust

Tiny magnetic particles of rust may clean dirty drinking water in developing countries.

The World

Party with olive oil

Arts, Culture & Media

Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with Sarah Breckenridge, editor of finecooking.com and olive-oil connoisseur, on exploring the world of olive oil.