Nuclear and radiation accidents

Big plastic bags containing radiated soil, leaves and debris are dumped at a tennis court at a sports park near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant

A reporter covering the Fukushima nuclear meltdown actually lived through Chernobyl

Health & Medicine

There’s been no end to the ongoing disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. And Yuriy Humber has a unique perspective. He’s been reporting on the Fukushima meltdown for Bloomberg News in Tokyo and also lived through the Chernobyl disaster.

Two years later, Fukushima still reeling from tsunami’s effects


In Stressful Wake of Fukushima Disaster, Japan Now Dealing With ‘Atomic Divorce’

The World

Remembering Chernobyl after 25 years

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Japan’s battle to prevent a nuclear meltdown

The World

Nuclear Mishaps: The Human Factor

Following the recent nuclear power plant accidents in Japan and South Korea, US officials were quick to assure people that “it can’t happen here.” Commentator Suzanne Elston says technically, they’re right. But, she continues, lost in the assurances is the element of human error, which has been the cause of all major nuclear accidents.

The World

Three Mile Island Retrospective

Twenty years after Three Mile Island we look back at the nation’s worst commercial nuclear accident. Using archival materials and interviews with area residents who lived through the accident, Living On Earth’s Terry FitzPatrick reconstructs the days in late March and early April, 1979, that changed the nation’s energy policy. He also looks at whether […]

American Engineer opens the Door to Chernobyl

Host Steve Curwood talks to Alexander Sich, an American nuclear engineer who recently spent eighteen months in the Chernobyl area reconstructing events following the 1986 nuclear accident there. Sich believes radiation from the damaged nuclear power plant was several times greater than levels reported by the Soviet government. On the other hand, he says his […]