
Federal report shows EPA regulations produce more economic benefits than costs


The White House’s nominee for director of the Environmental Protection Agency is tied up in politics, so the Obama administration is pushing back. It recently released a report that says economic benefits from the EPA’s regulations vastly outweigh the costs it imposes.

Wealth gap between whites and minorities increases

Investing in an interconnected world

Are Holiday Bonuses a Good Investment for Companies?

Japan’s Gasoline Rationing Experience

The World

Stormy Trends: Is Weather Getting Uninsurable?

Insurance companies have suffered record losses in recent years as a rash of severe storms have swept the planet. Some insurers are getting involved in the debate on human induced climate change, and may call on national governments to take preventive action. John Keefe files this report.

The World

Reward Offered: German Babies

While Germany contributes money for international population control, one German state, Brandenburg, is giving cash rewards to women who have more German babies. Alexa Dvorson reports on reaction to this incentive program.

Natural Capitalism

Paul Hawken joins host Steve Curwood to talk about the new book he co-authored along with Amory and Hunter Lovins. “Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution” offers guidelines on a sustainable economy which does not waste people or resources.

The World

DIY bailout: investing 101

In week nine of our financial series, the Do It Yourself Bailout, Beth Kobliner helps us figure out the basics of investing: where you should put your money, what kinds of risks are reasonable and why investing money can be safer than saving it.

The World

Minority women face barriers to building wealth

Conflict & Justice

A new study in wealth accumulation reveals a direct link between race and level of wealth, with African American women ranking way below white women.