Memphis metropolitan area

The World

Midwest and Tennessee Brace for Heavy Snow


People who live in Nashville are likely to witness a rare event this holiday season: A white Christmas. Several inches of snow are expected to reach parts of Tennessee, Georgia and the Midwest this weekend. Up to eight inches could fall in Iowa and six inches in Illinois and Minnesota. It’s been 41 years since […]

New Budget Plan May Mean Memphis Schools Open On Time

President Obama to Visit Memphis

Memphis Residents and Emergency Management Monitor Mississippi

Mississippi River Crests Near Record Levels

The World

Memphis Braces for Mississippi Flooding


Memphis is the next place to be hit by the 100-year flood racing south down the Mississippi. About 1,300 households have been evacuated so far, and 500 people have gone to shelters set up around the city in preparation for the crest expected Tuesday.

The World

Who owns race? Who owns music? Who owns Memphis?

Arts, Culture & Media

This hit Broadway musical ‘Memphis’ is drawing lots of attention and even some presidential admirers. The play takes place in the underground dance clubs of the 1950’s in Memphis, and examines the interplay between culture, music and race.

The World

Memphis metropolitan area hit hard by hunger

Memphis was recently dubbed ‘the hunger capital’ of the United States, with more than a quarter of its metropolitan population having trouble putting food on the table in 2009. We talk with those who see the situation first hand. From The Takeaway.