Madison, Wisconsin

Veterans campaign for clean energy

Global Politics

Military veterans barnstorm America by bus, campaigning for clean energy and ending US dependence on foreign oil.

What Does Walker’s Fate Mean for America?

Wisconsin Voters Decide Walker’s Fate

How the Wisconsin Labor Protests Changed Politics

The World

State Budget Vote Brings More Protesters to Madison, Wisc.

Conflict & Justice
The World

Emerging Science Note/Taste Test

Scientists show cues to the brain can influence taste.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Taste Test

Scientists show cues to the brain can influence taste.

Sorry, Charley

One man’s campaign to send mercury-laden tuna cans to the White House.

Social Studies Lessons from the Wisconsin Budget Battle

The battle between Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and public unions continues. Tuessday, Governor Walker introduced his two-year budget proposal, which includes nearly $900 million in public school cuts. Walker unveiled his budget just weeks after he announced his controversial proposal to strip the state’s public unions of collective bargaining rights. Wisconsin teachers are at the […]

Wisconsin’s Battle Continues Over Collective Bargaining

Senate Democrats are still hiding out in Illinois in an effort to stall a vote on a budget proposal that would restrict collective bargaining among public workers in Wisconsin. Police officers were sent to the homes of the absent Senators to make the point that it’s time to come home. And as the standoff continues […]