Lyme disease

a close-up shot of a deer tick

No, Lyme disease is not an escaped military bioweapon, despite what conspiracy theorists say

Health & Medicine

Scientists know the bacterium that causes Lyme disease has been out in the wild since long before any biological weapons research could have focused on it. And that’s just for starters.

a western blacklegged tick

Tick season has begun. How much do you know about Lyme disease?

The World

Health Note/Tick Spit

The World

Health Note/Tick Saliva

The World

Lyme Disease Surge

The World

Chronic Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne illness in the U.S., and most people who come down with it are successfully treated with a round of antibiotics. But a small percentage of patients say ongoing infection has left them with pain, fatigue and anger at the doctors and insurance companies who say there’s no such […]

The World

Lyme Disease Surge

Lyme Disease has risen dramatically in the past few years. So the tiny creature that’s responsible for infecting people, the deer tick, has earned an infamous reputation. But the disease doesn’t really begin with a tick bite. Ecologists say the real culprit is an environment that’s friendly to both the ticks and animals they feed […]

The World

Health Update

Diane Toomey reports on research which has found that biodiversity can reduce the spread of Lyme disease.

The World

Health Update

Diane Toomey reports on research which has found that biodiversity can reduce the spread of Lyme disease.