Look around prime time television line-ups and you’ll find several examples of the economic hard times that Americans are facing. And though times are starting to look better, with the economy trending upward, more Great Recession-themed shows are popping up on TV schedules.
What do Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Knoxville have in common? According to our research, not much. But recent findings from the Brookings Institution show that these three cities are the only major metropolitan areas in the United States that are experiencing an economic recovery since the recession ended in 2009. Using GDP per capita and employment figures, […]
The latest Census data reports that nearly 46.2 million Americans, about 1 in 15, are living in poverty. According to a new Pew poll, the face of American poverty has shifted dramatically. For the first time in U.S. history, the percent of Hispanics living in poverty outpaces African Americans with 28.2 percent of Latinos under the […]
A study by two former Census Bureau officials says household income declined more in the two years after the recession ended than during the recession itself. Overall, the average income of the American family has dropped almost 10 percent since the beginning of the recession.
In uncertain financial times, it seems every economist has their own opinion on how to revive the economy. But the idea that we could study the marketplace and deduce how to control and improve it was once radical. Decades before the Great Recession, students studied economics in order to become masters of their own fate. […]