John Holdren

NASA wants your help protecting Earth from asteroids


NASA is trying to protect the Earth from potential asteroids and is looking for help. Not just from scientists and engineers, but from anyone with a good idea.

Obama’s rock star science team


President’s Science Advisor Discusses Energy R&D

President Obama’s Science Advisor Talks with LOE

America’s State of the Climate

Prioritizing Climate Solutions

The president’s science advisor and energy czar talk about how to avoid ?or accommodate ?the coming climate change crisis.

Science on Hold

The President continues to do without his choices for science advisors, John Holdren and Jane Lubchenco ?stuck in Senate limbo since anonymous holds were put on their confirmations.

Preparing for a Changing Climate

Slowing and stopping global emissions of carbon dioxide are vital for mitigating climate change. But scientists say even if we stopped all emissions now, some climate disruption is already guaranteed. Host Steve Curwood talks with Harvard University’s John Holdren about adapting to a warming planet.