On Tuesday, Colorado and Minnesota will hold their Republican caucuses, either confirming or casting doubt onto Mitt Romney’s lead. But why some states hold caucuses instead of primaries – or in the case of Missouri, use both – in order to determine how many delegates they’ll send to a party’s national convention is largely a matter of […]
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney won a decisive victory in yesterday’s Florida primary, dealing a major setback to Newt Gingrich’s hopes of a fully-realized insurgent candidacy. With decided forward momentum, it’s clear that Romney has recovered from the miscalled Iowa caucus victory and is now leading the GOP pack: Romney won with 46 percent of […]
With Texas Governor Rick Perry dropping out of the race and Rick Santorum declaring a belated victory in the Iowa caucuses, Thursday marked a day of big game changers in the GOP presidential contest. With one day left until the South Carolina primary, frontrunner Mitt Romney is slipping in the polls as Gingrich picks up […]
Friday South Carolina will hold the “First in the South” primary. Since 1980 the victor of the South Carolina primary has gone on to win the presidential nomination. But the Palmetto State is sharing the limelight this morning with the Hawkeye State as the miscount in Iowa has skewed the results of the first GOP […]