International relations theory

Biden and Erdoğan fist-bump at NATO meeting.

Checking in on democratic peace: Part II

Critical State

Critical State, our foreign policy newsletter, takes a deep dive into a core principle of democratic peace theory — the idea that democratic states don’t fight wars with one another. 

A building is still riddled with war damage, on the former frontline of the Lebanese Civil War, in Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday, April 13, 2021.

Checking in on democratic peace: Part I

Critical State
A mock North Korea's Scud-B missile, center right, and South Korean missiles are displayed at Korea War Memorial Museum in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, March 18, 2021. 

The leftovers: What happens to foreign policy in power transitions? Part II

Critical State
A group of men stand in a row in green grass under a blue sky.

It’s time for the US to rethink Huntington’s philosophy: Part II

Critical State
Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette

Rwanda led this 27-year-old American to devote his life to preventing future atrocities

Conflict & Justice
Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette

Rwanda led this 27-year-old American to devote his life to preventing future atrocities

Conflict & Justice

Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette grew up in Maine, far from the killing fields of Rwanda and was a child when the genocide occurred. But when he learned about what happened there, he made a choice that has guided his life since.

‘The Responsibility to Protect’

Analysis of the international community’s willingness and ability to prevent crimes against humanity.

‘To the Best of Our Knowledge: Clash of Civilizations’

Global Politics

A round-up of prominent Western and Muslim intellectuals debate conflicting world views that spark tensions between East and West.

Show Producer’s Blog: Debating Foreign Policy

Last week I blogged about Syria and the R2P or the doctrine of “Responsibility to Protect.” What should the international community do in the case of a government like Syria’s, which is killing its own citizens? […]

The World

Show Producer’s Blog: R2P

Before I was a show producer I was a reporter. My first overseas assignment was Kosovo in 1999. Since that experience, much of my reporting has revolved around war and its awfulness, and questions about humanitarian intervention, civilian protection, and justice for war crimes […]