Inorganic solvents

Scientist takes inspiration from natural world to create self-filling water bottle


Sometimes, nature knows the best way to solve a problem. There’s a beetle that lives in a part of the world where less than .5 inches of rain fall per year. So the beetle draws water from the air, and now a businessman is trying to harness that idea to create, among other things, a self-filling water bottle.

Eco-Friendly Taste-Test

The Shout Out Louds Record New Single on Ice Record

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

California’s Warmer Waves

Water War Heats Up

Acid Oceans

As the oceans absorb more CO2 and become more acidic, some fishy things are beginning to happen to marine creatures and ecosystems.

The World

‘Packing for Mars’ with Mary Roach

Arts, Culture & Media

Although she gets into pondering what the pitfalls of sex in zero gravity might entail, Mary Roach’s book “Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void” also broaches issues that most earthbound humans have never considered.