How do you balance the ebbs and flows of wind and solar power to use it when and where it’s most needed? Turn it into hydrogen and use it to drive cars.
Has the hydrogen fuel car finally arrived? Automakers are betting on it
Alex van Oss reports from Washington on the push to develop hydrogen as a clean, cheap and abundant fuel source for the future. Supporters say hydrogen fuel could be generated by using solar and wind power to split water into oxygen and hydrogen.
Hydrogen Feathers
Chemical engineers have found heated chicken feathers can efficiently store hydrogen without a huge price tag.
Leaving Hydrogen in the Dust
America dials back support for hydrogen fuel-cell cars.
The Road to Hydrogen
As President Bush renews his commitment to hydrogen fuel cell research, LOE finds out when we can expect the hydrogen rubber to hit the road.
Emerging Science Note/Hydrogen Plane
Scientists send an experimental airplane fueled by hydrogen into the sky.