
Flooded Houston

Human trafficking is a hidden aftermath of natural disasters


After a natural disaster, people scramble to rebuild their houses, get food and water. But for sex traffickers, it can also be a scramble to cash in.


For domestic abuse survivors, finding safety amid natural disasters is ‘very complicated’

Help wanted sign on restaurant window

Like many undocumented restaurant workers, staying in the US is a simple calculation for this waiter


Why Houston is Number One

Houston, There’s a Problem

The World

Has BP affected the way we consume energy?


KUHF reporter Melissa Galvez took to the streets of Houston, Texas, and asked residents if the BP oil disaster changed the way they consume gas. She covered this for our friends Transportation Nation. The majority of responses she got was ? no.

The World

Radio Saigon Houston keeps Vietnamese community informed during Hurricane Ike


When Hurricane Ike tore through the Texas Gulf coast, the region’s 160,000 Vietnamese Americans knew where to turn for information. For four days, Radio Saigon Houston struggled to stay on air, keeping Vietnamese-Americans in Texas informed.