House of Morgan

The London Whale Walks Free

Former JPMorgan Chase trader Bruno Iksil was known as “The London Whale” for his huge trades. But those trades often failed to pay off–last year, he tallied more than $6.2 billion in losses. According to Reuters, on Wednesday federal prosecutors in Manhattan criminally charged two former JPMorgan Chase employees with wire fraud and a conspiracy […]

Could Regulations Have Helped JPMorgan Avoid Losses?

Fallout From JPMorgan Chase $2 Billion Loss

JP Morgan Chase Announces $2 Billion Loss

The World

9-To-5 No More

The World

Why low sales numbers on Black Friday might actually be a good thing

Arts, Culture & Media

Stephen Roach, chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and op-ed writer (‘Dying of Consumption’ (New York Times) joins The Takeaway to talk about why Americans might be better off if we reined in our shopping habits.

The World

Construction industry benefits from stimulus

Global Politics

The building industry may be one of the first to feel relief from the economic crisis. The US stimulus package contains 120 billion dollars allocated to so-called ‘shovel ready infrastructure projects.’ Anchor Lisa Mullins discusses how that funding will impact the industry from Mike Betts, a building analyst for JP Morgan Chase.