
A father rests on the sofa with this three sons in China.

After decades of repression, same-sex couples in China assert their place in society


Heads turn when An Hui and Ye Jianbin walk down a street in Shenzhen with their triplets, who were conceived with help from a human egg donor and a surrogate mother.

A Kenyan court has ruled that it is illegal to subject suspected gays to forced medical testing to determine if they're homosexual. The practice had been opposed by the country's medical community.

Gay rights ruling in Kenya could reverberate through Africa

Global Politics
Magnus Hirschfeld in a group shot

The story of Magnus Hirschfeld, the ‘Einstein of sex’

Activists of the radical Islamist party Hefajat-e-Islam in Bangladesh demanding capital punishment for a group of bloggers in 2013.

Who just killed the man some called ‘the Harvey Milk of Bangladesh’?

An advertising photo of models wearing Candypants (Lee Brady and David Sanderson)

Edible underwear was never meant to be eaten. Or so say its creators.

Omar Solis, who grew up in Denver, studies international relations at the Technological Institute of Monterrey. He's also openly gay.

Mexico’s ‘hints of homophobia’ make living there a challenge for a gay American


“You have to think about where you invest your time and your energy and your love, because you don’t want to waste it,” says Omar Solis, a gay American student in Mexico trying to figure out how to live openly. “But that’s what it takes.”

Gay rights activist John Abdallah Wambere had received death threats in Uganda.

A gay rights activist from Uganda gets the green light for political asylum


Ugandan gay rights activist John Abdallah Wambere faced death threats after he was outed in his own country. Now the US has granted him political asylum, and he’s celebrating — but still dreaming of walking safely with his daughter in the streets of his hometown.

Thousands of Jamaicans hold a demonstration against the local lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in Half Way Tree, Kingston.

Jamaica’s anti-gay protesters are trying to duck the ‘homophobic’ label

Lifestyle & Belief

“Homophobia” is pejorative enough that even anti-gay activists in Jamaica are trying to avoid being labeled homophobes. But commentators on the island say they shouldn’t be able to dodge the term.”Homophobia” is pejorative enough that even anti-gay activists in Jamaica are trying to avoid being labeled homophobes. But commentators on the island say they shouldn’t be able to dodge the term.

The World

Pentagon paves way for ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ repeal

Conflict & Justice

On Tuesday, the Pentagon’s top leaders said the 17-year-old “don’t ask, don’t tell” law, which prohibits gay and lesbian armed forces members from openly admitting their sexuality, would not pose a problem if scrapped. Todd Zwillich reports.

The World

Is it acceptable to be gay at your workplace?

Twenty years ago this week, the World Health Organization ceased to categorize homosexuality as a pathology, but is it still considered one socially in the workplace? For this week’s work segment, we look at the issue of being openly gay at work.