
Five Things You Had to See Online This Week

Arts, Culture & Media

An epic movie phone tree, Eleanor Roosevelt’s booty call, the unseen power of grammar, an otherworldly Elton John cover, and a Rottweiler’s self-evaluation win the internet this week. 


How English-language pronouns are taught around the world

French classroom

France has plunged into a struggle over gender-neutral language


Mrs. Lovett’s Colorful Math Classroom

Tourist trade dries up as Mali struggles with Islamist insurgency

Florida student bound for Dartmouth, fighting for immigration reform on the way

Global Politics

A student from Miami who graduated as her high school valedictorian, was accepted to Dartmouth and with hopes of becoming a cardio-thoracic surgeon, very nearly lost her opportunity because her parents kept her in the country illegally when she was 4. She won a temporary reprieve, but she’s fighting for more for herself and others like her.

Dull, Boring set to become sister cities

Two small towns, one in Oregon the other in Scotland, are considering becoming sister cities. They’re not exactly linked by trade, nor are they culturally significant. It’s really the towns’ names that have the two communities considering linking up.

Superlatives: Start using ‘exalted’ says author

Arts, Culture & Media

If the word ‘awesome’ has lost its awesomeness, author Arthur Plotnik has a list of new superlatives to help you express yourself.

The World

Does the Language You Speak Determine How Much Money You Save?

Arts, Culture & Media

A controversial new study out of Yale concludes that people who speak languages without future verb tenses like Chinese are better at preparing for the future than people who use a future tense like in English, French, and Spanish for example.

Dutch band C-Mon & Kypski’s Crowdsourcing Video

Arts, Culture & Media

The World’s Clark Boyd reports from Amsterdam on the Dutch group C-Mon and Kypski. One of the band’s videos has gotten attention of some computer scientists at the New York University.