Gainesville, Florida

Kick Starting Better Mileage

President Obama’s decision on fuel-economy standards means change for our cars and our greenhouse gas emissions

Bug Splats

Bug Splats

The World

Jill Sonke

Lifestyle & Belief
The World

What did we learn from the Quran burning controversy?

Conflict & Justice
The World

NCAA graduation rates reveal stark racial disparity

Conflict & Justice

The NCAA has tried in recent years to make it clear that they value academic success as much as athletics, but a new study reveals that their efforts may not be working. From The Takeaway.

The World

More women are delaying motherhood, Census Bureau reports

Arts, Culture & Media

Guest: Tanya Koropeckyj-Cox, Sociology Professor at the University of Florida in Gainesville. She’s been studying women and childlessness for more than a decade.

The World

Who’s the incumbent? Not me!

Global Politics

In Florida, voters may be scratching their heads trying to figure out which political candidate is the new guy, and which one’s in office now. The Takeaway talks with political consultant Roger Austin, who explains that for some incumbent politicians, the taboo phrase of this campaign season is, ‘re-elect.’