Fossil-fuel power station

New report finds people of color disproportionately harmed by coal-fired power


A new report from U.S. researchers has found that of the 378 largest coal-fired power plants in this country, a disproportionate amount are in close proximity to low-income community and communities of people of color.

Coal country incensed at what it sees as Obama’s overreach on coal regulations


Proposed EPA regulation will make it difficult for new coal power plants to be approved


Recycling Energy

Obama’s Climate Plan: Looking Beyond Washington

Conflict & Justice

India’s Coal Killing Thousands

India is developing as rapidly as any country on earth, and much of that growth is fueled by one of the dirtiest energy sources out there—coal. A new study has shown that pollution from coal-fired power plants is killing between 80,000 and 115,000 Indians every year.

The World

Carbon Capture

A coal-fired power plant in West Virginia is the site of the first carbon capture and storage project at an existing U.S. plant. The technology is expensive and untested but some say if it can be economically developed, it’s a necessary part of the energy

The World

Kicking Coal

Amid emerging regulations on CO2 emissions, state governors pushing alternative energy and power companies pulling the plug on new coal plants, old King Coal may be forced to retire.

A Push to Weaken Pollution Standards for Power Plants

The Bush Administration wants to loosen controls on pollution from coal-fired power plants.

Chinese Coal Rush

China’s state run banking system helps boost the construction of new coal plants, despite costs to the health and environment of the People’s Republic.