Forms of government

Members of parliament from a top-down view with a podium in the center

The claim that democracy fares better in the West than in Africa is a fallacy

Global Politics

Over the past two decades democracy has blossomed in Africa. But there is still a deep-rooted feeling among Western academics, policymakers and journalists that African democracies are not yet “the finished product.”

Iraqi boy

Life under ISIS rule is worse than we ever imagined, and some fighters and citizens have had enough

A supporter from the "Yes" Campaign cries into his knees as he sits in George Square in Glasgow, Scotland September 19, 2014. The "Yes" Campaign bid to win independence for Scotland, failed.

Scottish independence may have lost, but Britain may be changed forever

Global Politics
A map showing the early Islamic Caliphate.

Who wants a caliphate, anyway?

Global Politics
A fighter of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - ISIS -  on a street in the city of Mosul.

Just what is a ‘caliphate’ — and why are some Muslims keen to reestablish one?

Lifestyle & Belief
A fighter of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - ISIS -  on a street in the city of Mosul.

Just what is a ‘caliphate’ — and why are some Muslims keen to reestablish one?

Lifestyle & Belief

The extremist group ISIS wants to create a new caliphate in the Middle East. Tarek Masoud of Harvard’s Kennedy School explains why the concept is so important to so many Muslims.

The World

Comman monarch

Global Politics

Monarchy downgrade in Nepal: Life off of the throne