

Sixteen rotors and a cloud of dust: Philippine inventor unveils ‘flying sports car’


The “Koncepto Milenya,” can fly as high as 20 feet and speed up to 37 mph, but its maiden flight lasted just a little over 10 minutes.

Bats have a specialized thin skin that allows their wings to change when a muscle is activated with every beat cycle of the wings.

Researchers explore the fascinating biomechanics and neuroscience of bats

The US Marine Corps C-130 Hercules named "Fat Albert," assigned to the US Navy “Blue Angels” flight demonstration team, uses Jet Assisted Take Off bottles during the 2005 Blue Angel Homecoming show.

A Marine pilot breaks the gender barrier in one of the world’s most elite squadrons

Iran's President Hasan Rouhani speaks during an event in New York

President Rouhani faces cheers and eggs as he returns to Iran

Global Politics

Baumgartner’s Jump and Other Skydiving Daredevils

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Wave Glider

A new robotic vehicle hits the waves to gather data that could unlock some important secrets of the ocean.

The World

Science Note/Bat Aerodynamics

New research shows that the hair on bats’ wings are essential for agile flight.

Tiny Glider Swims Big

A Rutgers University team launches an underwater robotic glider. RU27 is zigzagging under the sea, collecting data on water temperature and salt levels to give scientists clues about the impact of climate change on the ocean.

Government Shutdowns, Walkouts and Gridlock

What do Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana have in common? Each state has experienced the fleeing of lawmakers in order to stall legislation that they don’t want to see passed. Is this an effective political tactic or an unprecedented form of gridlock? It seems that in these states the Democratic lawmakers are simply bucking their responsibilty […]