
Massive forest fires can often result in a shifting of ecosystems, as regeneration becomes a more difficult task, especially in drier and warmer areas.

Forest fire surge may be blamed more by human touch than changing climates


As forest fires become more common — in California, in particular — it has been easy to point to climate change and severe drought conditions as the main reasons. Researchers, though, say that the human element may play just as an important role to the troubling trend.

Ramah Darom

This Conservative Jewish camp took in hundreds of firefighters battling a fire in northern Georgia


Fire near Yosemite latest during drought-dried summer


The Mann Gulch Tragedy: 50 Years Later

Fire Retardants Stoke Controversy

The World

View From the Top  ? Preserving the Nation’s Fire Towers

Back in the 1900s, the way to spot a forest fire was from a fire tower. The U.S. Forest Service erected thousands of towers throughout the country as part of a national fire lookout system. Each tower had room enough for a man or woman to stay and keep an