Federal Communications Commission

Supporters of Net Neutrality protest

California lawmakers pass a strict ‘net neutrality’ bill

Supporters of California’s proposed regulations contend that net neutrality rules would bar major internet providers from blocking, slowing down or giving preferential access to online content.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

An FCC vote to dismantle net neutrality is expected this week. Here’s what that means.

Pro-net neutrality Internet activists rally in the Los Angeles neighborhood where President Barack Obama attended a fundraiser on July 23, 2014.

The FCC prepares for its historic net neutrality vote

Lori Erlendsson attends a pro-net neutrality Internet activist rally in Los Angeles.

The FCC delivers an Internet declaration of independence

Global Politics

Television’s vast wasteland: Getting better

Arts, Culture & Media

FCC admits: US Broadband embarrassingly slow

The United States pioneered much of the internet. But US broadband connections now lag far behind much of the rest of the world.

Political Ads on Public Broadcasting?

Public broadcasting doesn’t have commercials. It has underwriting announcements – and few of them at that. But that could change, now that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the FCC Congress violated the First Amendment when it blocked public broadcasters from airing political advertisements.  Jeffrey Rosen, professor of Law at George Washington University, […]

The World

Cellular Phones

The FCC says mobile phone companies can build relay towers wherever they please, just like electric companies’ transmission wires. But some in Congress think cellular towers can be a blight on the landscape. Daniel Grossman reports from Boston.

The World

FCC Says Most American Broadband Connections … Aren’t

Conflict & Justice

A report issued yesterday by the FCC says that most of the connections sold to Americans as “broadband” are actually too slow to qualify for the name. Rick Karr is a correspondent for PBS’s “Need to Know.” He speaks with us about why American broadband connections are lagging so badly behind those found in the […]

The World

Judge says FCC can’t enforce ‘net neutrality’

Conflict & Justice

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled Tuesday that the FCC has no regulating authority over how Comcast or any other internet provider manages its network. This decision landed a severe blow to proponents for net neutrality.