Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Aha Moment: Jonathan Safran Foer on Joseph Cornell

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close starring Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock, just arrived in theaters. It’s an adaptation of the September 11-themed novel by Jonathan Safran Foer. But before Foer became a novelist, he was an aspiring sculptor. As a college freshman, he was introduced to the work of Joseph Cornell, the assemblage artist best […]

Movie Date: ‘War Horse,’ ‘Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,’ ‘We Bought a Zoo,’ and ‘The Artist’

The World

How Sept. 11, 2001 Affected Writing in the US and Elsewhere

Arts, Culture & Media

Beauty from Tragedy: Artists Reflect on 9/11

Summer Book Club: Jonathan Safran Foer’s ‘Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close’

The World

Authors on the legacy of J.D. Salinger

Arts, Culture & Media

We talk with two novelists, Jonathan Safran Foer and Frank Portman, about J.D. Salinger’s legacy and how it inspired them.