
Seven year old Teija's father is stuck in Iran due to the travel ban. She holds a sign during a protest  at Los Angeles International Airport.

Two brothers, one in Iran and another in California, say the US travel ban has thrown their family for a loop


Trump reminds these Iranians of their former leader, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Mayor of Thessaloniki Yannis Boutaris poses after an interview with Reuters inside the townhall of Thessaloniki in northern Greece November 7, 2012.

If you think living in Greece in an age of austerity is tough, try running one of its cities

The head of radical leftist Syriza party Alexis Tsipras speaks to supporters after winning the elections in Athens January 25, 2015

Why Greek voters bucked Europe, backed an anti-austerity party

Alexis Tsipras, leader of Greece's far-left Syriza party smiles during a meeting with Greek President Karolos Papoulias (not pictured) at the Presidential palace in Athens November 3, 2014.

Why Europe is suddenly rediscovering Greece’s financial instability

The World

The agenda: wrangling over tax cuts, Euro zone debt

Global Politics
A road leads to the U.S. Capitol in Washington

Asia may be the winner as Europe and America kick the debt crisis can down the road, again

Global Politics

Congress has narrowly avoided a global financial crisis by taking a cue from Europe. Both regions are kicking the can down the road, rather than finding lasting solutions. Short-term fixes, though, may lead to long-term decline for the West.

New book looks tells fictional tale of post-euro Europe

Arts, Culture & Media

In the world of Markus Will, the euro is gone and Germany is returning to the deutschmark. Though the book is fictional, it takes a scenario that is possible and plays it out to perhaps it’s most shocking extreme.

Spain could receive next bailout as its financial woes worsen

As the European Union struggles to contain the euro crisis, Spain is quickly approaching an economic collapse. The country is among those in line to receive a Greece-style bailout, though experts say its time for one may come sooner than once expected.

VIDEO: Europe makes moves to plan for possible Greek exit from euro zone

Global Politics

At a summit meeting on Wednesday, European leaders signaled they’re pushing ahead for contingency planning for a Greek exit from the euro. But that possibility may lead to further unimagined problems.

Recession means new reality for Netherlands, stalwart economy of euro zone

Global Politics

The Netherlands is one of the richest and strongest economies in the euro zone. But, in recent months, the country has dipped back into recession as it tries to shave nearly $20 billion from its budget. It’s forced some people living on the margins to seek assistance.