Ethanol fuel

Brazil trying to reinvigorate sugar ethanol for cars


Brazil has had a thriving ethanol industry because of a confluence of factors that made ethanol dramatically cheaper than gas. But that’s changed, which has pressured the ethanol industry and Brazil’s government to consider what to do next.

Researcher says rising corn prices could spark global food riots

Experts say effects of U.S. drought likely to ripple across the globe


Ethanol: Off the radar, but bigger than ever


Bugs engineered to make biofuels


Energizing Biofuel


The agro-energy industry gets nearly three quarters of a billion dollars from the Obama administration — what this means for the future of biofuels.

Global efforts at sustainable development

Efforts to promote sustainable development globally, and the economic, social and environmental impact.

Fueling the food crisis

From ‘Living on Earth’ — some agriculture experts say demand for ethanol is to blame for the global food crisis.

The global food crisis

The worldwide economic collapse has temporarily brought down food prices and turned attention away from the global food crisis.

California’s low-carbon diet


California has a strict climate emissions law and the state may soon require refiners to reduce carbon in fuels by ten percent by 2020.