Electronic games


We say goodbye to ‘the Nikola Tesla’ of video games


Ralph Baer escaped Nazi Germany. He ended formal schooling at 14. And he turned your TV set into a video game screen. He even won the National Medal of Technology for it.

Monopoly Redesign: Do not pass Go

Arts, Culture & Media

How video gaming could be good for you


Listeners Respond: What Sounds Are Going Extinct?

Preserving Endangered Sounds

The Return of Nightlife in Juarez

Lifestyle & Belief

Tired of staying in their homes for fear of becoming a victim of the drug violence, the people of Ciudad Juarez are triggering the revival of business for the city’s once dormant nightclubs and restaurants.

The World

Los Angeles braces for ‘Carmageddon’

This evening, at 7 p.m. (PST), a ten-mile stretch of Los Angeles’s Interstate 405 — the nation’s busiest stretch of road — will close down until Monday morning. Bracing for the worst, Los Angelans are labeling the temporary shutdown “Carmageddon.”

The World

A Green Auto Show?

The Los Angeles Auto Show has a lot to offer, of varying shades of green.

The World

Is video gaming good for you?


A host of new studies show that gaming might actually be good for your health. We talk with technology writer Clive Thompson and our tech contributor Baratunde Thurston.

The World

The holidays in Ju-rez

Conflict & Justice

The city of Ju-rez would seem to have little to celebrate this holiday season. Drug cartels have been battling among themselves and with police. And yet, at least one neighborhood in Ju-rez is going to celebrate Christmas. Monica Ortiz Uribe reports.