
When it comes to food, there’s no end to this debate. Does it go in the fridge or on the counter?


Eggs: On the counter or in the fridge? How about butter? Or ketchup? It depends on who you ask. And while you might think it’s gross, the risks, in many cases, are actually quite small.Eggs: On the counter or in the fridge? How about butter? Or ketchup? It depends on who you ask. And while you might think it’s gross, the risks, in many cases, are actually quite small.

The World


The World

Disturbing the Peace

The World

Duck Egg Rescue

The World

German Hens

The World


The kiwi bird is the national symbol of New Zealand. But the population of this unusual animal is on the wane due to a non-native, weasel-like predator called the stoat. As Allan Coukell reports, a kiwi recovery program named Operation Nest Egg has succeeded in increasing the number of kiwis by isolating the babies until […]


Eagles in the Los Angeles area still have problems reproducing because of DDT pollution which weakens the shells of their eggs. Producer Ilsa Setziol follows a team of researchers as they snatch eggs, hatch them in captivity, then return babies back to the nest.

Condor Egg

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about ostriches. September is National Ostrich Month, a time to celebrate the biggest bird on earth, whose egg is as large as 24 chicken eggs.