Defense Intelligence Agency

Informant who lied about WMDs goes public

Global Politics

Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi is better known by his CIA codename: Curveball. Janabi was a CIA informant whose falsified account of WMDs led the US to invade Iraq. Janabi will make a public appearance in a BBC documentary entitled “Modern Spies.”

Man Who Lied About WMDs Goes Public

The World

A page in America’s briefing book: the CIA

Global Politics
The World

Assessing US intelligence on Iran

Global Politics
The World

Curveball’s intelligence

Global Politics

Iraq ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence Goes Up in Smoke

Conflict & Justice

We all remember the speech that former Secretary of State Colin Powell gave to the UN in 2003. And part of his argument rested on the word of an Iraqi defector named Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi. Now al-Janabi has said that he was lying.

Egypt’s second in command

Arts, Culture & Media

Egypt’s vice president, Omar Suleiman is seen as a key player in the country’s ongoing political crisis. Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with someone who knows Suleiman: Colonel Patrick Lang, former head of Middle East Intelligence for the DIA.