Dearborn, Michigan

Abdullah Hammoud, mayor-elect of Dearborn, Michigan

Dearborn’s first Arab American mayor-elect: ‘You need not change who you are’ to run for public office


“You’re seeing minority populations and residents begin to really get involved in the political process,” says Abdullah Hammoud, the mayor-elect of Dearborn, Michigan. He spoke to The World’s Marco Werman about the issues facing his constituents.

Dearborn community reflects on fallout from ad controversy on All-American Muslim show

Lifestyle & Belief

Businesses buy out advertising on TLC’s All American Muslims after Lowe’s withdraws

Lifestyle & Belief

Detroit’s struggle hits African-Americans hard

‘All-American Muslim’ Cast Members On the Show’s Impact

The Mayor of Dearborn on ‘All-American Muslim’

The Takeaway has been talking this week about the  controversy that has erupted around the TLC reality show “All-American Muslim” after the home improvement store Lowe’s pulled its ads from the broadcast. The move came after a group called the Florida Family Association launched a campaign against the show, urging companies to pull their ads. Reaction […]

‘All-American Muslim’ Depicts Muslim-American Family Life

“All-American Muslim,” a new reality TV show premiering on TLC this Sunday, takes a close-up view at what it is like to be Muslim in America through the lives of five ordinary Muslim families in Dearborn, Michigan –  a city known informally as “America’s Muslim Capital.”  Newlyweds  Nader and Nawal Aoude  are one  of the couples featured on the show, […]

The World

Kids E-car

There’s nothing like real world experience to enhance classroom learning, especially when it comes to job training. In South Florida, one group of students has spent the last year converting a gas powered Ford car into one propelled by electricity. When the automobile was ready for its first test-drive, reporter Alexis Muellner was there, and […]

Ford’s Focus on Electric Cars

We get behind the wheel of the all-electric Ford Focus, with the company’s head of electrification, Nancy Gioia, riding shotgun. She tells us about the roadblocks to getting electric vehicles in production, and just how much of Ford’s fleet might someday

Ford’s Secret Weapon

Amidst severe financial troubles, Ford Motor Company quietly looks ahead to the green auto market and hopes to have 250,000 recyclable hybrid cars on the road by the year 2010.